mercredi 4 janvier 2017


Bonne année à tous. Que 2017 soit remplie de bons moments hobbyistes...

En passant, je vous informe que j'ai repris les modifications de mon réseau de test et que j'ai commencé à installer les modules cantons. Le câblage est simple et quasiment terminé... Les premiers tours de locomotives montrent bien l'occupation de chaque zone.

Prochaines étapes:
  • installation des feux de signalisation (sur mini-board). Ce sera plus visible et pratique que ce que j'ai pu faire jusqu'à maintenant sur ma planche de test;
  • intégration du module DCC afin de piloter les locos en mode automatique;
  • intégration de la commande manuelle en T. Il reste à finaliser l'interface avec les modules. Je ne devrais pas avoir trop de surprise...
Voilà pour aujourd'hui. J'espère avoir quelques vidéos à montrer prochainement.

Au plaisir!

5 commentaires:

  1. Interesting stuff. I'll follow you on YouTube.
    So is your DCC command station your own design using Arduino ?
    Looks like you have a can bus system built into your station. Is that Loconet or Xpressnet or something else ?

    Did you build you own DCC signal boards and pcb's ?

    1. Thank you.

      There is two parts: the DCC command station and the automation modules. In those articles I mostly describe the automation modules.

      Right now, I'm using both my Digitrax Zephyr for the tests or my own DCC station based on an Arduino and an L293. This last component is a motor driver by design but could be used as a "big transistor" to generate both opposite waves of a DCC signal. You can find a lot of literature on the web using such component or an equivalent LMD18200.

      For the automation modules, I'm using a CanBus to communicate between all of them and my command station (in case of the L293) using a homebrewed protocol. So all block occupancy detectors, all loco automates, etc... are talking together without the need of any XpressNet or Loconet. But at the end of this network, I need a "bridge" to connect to my Zephyr (if I'm using it). This bridge is a simple board that does the translation between my own protocol and Loconet. It could also be an XpressNet bridge. To be honest, this part is not ready yet (still in testing), but I will focus on it as soon as the rest of the automation network works perfectly.

      To conclude, I design my PCB with Eagle CAD but I send the files to a company that produces them for me.

      Hope it answers your questions well.

  2. Réponses
    1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

    2. Merci! and also Bonne Annee to you and your relatives!
